Corporate Governance


Aile Aviation maintains high corporate governance standards and is committed to continuing this for many decades to come. Good corporate governance is critical to realizing its strategic goal of creating sustainable long-term value for all of Aile Aviation’s stakeholders – including clients, shareholders, employees and society at large.


In order to achieve good corporate governance, Aile Aviation is organized in a way that promotes first-class stewardship by the Managing Board and effective supervision by the Supervisory Board. Integrity, transparency and accountability are key elements to Aile Aviation’s corporate governance, as they are in the business as a whole. These key elements ensure that the controls and oversight necessary for effective risk management, proper compliance with regulations, and accurate and complete disclosure of information to the market are in place and functioning well.


Even though the Aile Aviation as a non-listed company is not required to adhere to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, Aile Aviation continues to place importance on a transparent governance structure and substantially adheres to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Any deviations will be explained in the Annual Report.


The Code sets out the principles by which we should conduct ourselves in terms of corporate governance, risk management, audit and remuneration. The Code applies to all our Global activities, irrespective of whether they perform their activities in the Netherlands or on any continent or in any country, and irrespective of whether those activities are performed by a branch. Aile Aviation fully adheres to the principles of the Code, and any deviations will be explained in the Annual Report. Aile Aviation will report in more detail on the manner in which it applies the principles of the Code in its Annual Report that will be published.


The Aile Aviation believes that corporate governance codes that meet high international standards significantly boost confidence in Dutch companies and benefits the Global business climate. Given the international environment in which we operate, strict Dutch corporate governance standards aligned with internationally accepted standards are also to our client’s advantage. We trust that by giving our shareholders and other stakeholders a full description of our governance structure, their confidence in our company will be further enhanced.


Aile Aviation Services

Hankweg 93

2641 VW Pijnacker

The Netherlands

Tel:  +31850471299


Chamber of Commerce number: 73534609

VAT number: NL859564009B01

NCAGE code H2HG8

EORI Number: NL859564009

ISO 9001:2015
Approval number(s): ISO 9001 – 00022327